Sunday, 29 May 2011

My best holydays

The best holydays i've ever been it was summer on 2010, in chiloe. In this vacations I went with my parents, my brother and, in this time, my boyfriend.
Begins our journey the 11 february and our first stop it was in chillan, the next day we went to Chiloe, to a town called Queilen. We visited to my cousin and his wife and they recived us with open arms. In this place we ate a lot of typical food, I loved the curanto, roast lamb and the others food.
I liked the view to Chaiten volcano (it's in front of Queilen), and what struck me most was when the tide goes out and comes to each moment

On february 22 we set off on the return journey and we stop in Puerto Octay to camp by the lake Llanquihue but we went two days later because we found with a torment and decided travel more the north.

On february 24 the next stop it was in the town of Lican Ray (to camp again) and in this place my boyfriend ask me marriage, that is the moment most important of all my holydays, he chose a moment that we went out for walk by the lake side in the evening and i accepted his proposal. Four days later we return to Santiago, but this journey ever been in my memory

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